
Iphone 6s plus vs note 5 benchmark tests
Iphone 6s plus vs note 5 benchmark tests

iphone 6s plus vs note 5 benchmark tests

This (along with the yellow tint) makes the photos appear like they've been processed by a trendy filter. The Lumia 950 XL enjoys a similarly laid-back image processing, but it pushes the contrast setting a bit too hard and the colors seem to be oversaturated. This makes for a comparably softer output, but that's easily fixable if it gets in the way. The approach to image processing is laid-back - there is no big contrast boost, strong noise reduction or much sharpening. Resolved detail is close to what the Lumia achieves (despite the resolution difference, helped a bit by the narrowed FoV). The LG V10 has a more noisy output than those. The noise is higher than in Note5 and Lumia photos. The iPhone 6s Plus is behind on resolution but handles it very well.

iphone 6s plus vs note 5 benchmark tests

The Apple phablet lacks contrast in the red channel, making things look flat while the Microsoft camera showed a very noticeable yellow tint. Both South Korean phones overexposed the brightest sunlit areas.Ĭolor rendering has some flaws. The iPhone shows very good dynamic range while the Lumia lost some detail in the shadows. We'll put the Note5 and V10, which you should already be familiar with, on the left and the new iPhone 6s Plus and Lumia 950 XL on the right. The V10 and the Galaxy Note5 both have the same field of view, it's the 4:3 Apple iPhone 6s Plus that is the narrowest, but not by a huge margin. The Microsoft Lumia 950 XL was set to 4:3 mode (because it's the aspect that captures the highest resolution photos) and it's still very wide - almost as wide as the widescreen LG V10 and Samsung Galaxy Note5. We'll start off with a field-of-view comparison as it has an impact on both the image quality and how you compose a shot. Note that it's there just as a reference and will not take part in the scoring. Last week the LG V10 proved its camera as one of the best, so we will include it in the camera comparisons today, even though LG's smartphone is not part of this comparison.

Iphone 6s plus vs note 5 benchmark tests